19th October, 2013

The television went black and then the Logo of Shazbotdom News Network sprang up across television across Shazbotdom. "We interrupt this broadcast of 'Surviving the Impossible: Nuclear Holocaust' with this special news anouncement. And now comming to you live from the Shazbotdom Imperial Palace, Anne Turner."

"Good Evening. Just a short time ago we learned that more than 300 Heavy Lift Aircraft have taken off from the Shazbotdom Marine Corps Air Division Base in the South-Central portion of the Mainland. The Imperial Aviation Administraiton had no comment about where they were headed but we have been told that the Supreme Emperor, with emergency authorization from the Imperial parliament, has authorized military action against an unknown opponent."

She took a few steps so that the camera repositioned to show the Podium and Flag of the Empire some 30 foot behind her. "Word has it that the Supreme Emperor is schedualed to make a speach sometime within in the next half hour about the situation and how it pertains to the Empire. We now return you to 'Surviving the Impossible: Nuclear Holocaust' here on Shazbotdom News Network. Where it's more than just news, it's Informational Television!"

Roughly 26 minutes later...

The television went black and then the Logo of Shazbotdom News Network sprang up across television across Shazbotdom. "We interrupt this broadcast of 'Surviving the Impossible: Nuclear Holocaust' with this special news anouncement. And now comming to you live from the Shazbotdom Imperial Palace, Anne Turner."

"Ladies and Gentlmen, we have been told that the Supreme Emperor is making his way to the Press Conference Room. We also have been updated that there have been Heavy Lift Aircraft launches from not only the Shazbotdom Marine Corps Air Division base on the mainland, but also from the colonies of Alraibris, Shazbotdom Miroxia and Halnara with a total of roughly 1300 transport aircraft in the air..." The door opens behind her and she quickly goes quiet.

A man steps up to the microphones on the podium. "Ladies and Gentlmen. The Supreme Emperor of the Shazbotdom Empire." Clapping is heard all over. Larry Williams, the current residing Supreme Emperor, quickly but gracefully walked through the door, up the steps to the stage and up to the podium positioned at the very front center of the large room.

"My fellow citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire. I come to you today not just as the Supreme Emperor of this great Empire, but also as a citizen of this great Empire and a citizen of the Earth. Several months ago we rejoined an alliance that we were with years ago, the Grand Imperial Alliance. Since then we have helped financially with the growth of the Grand Imperial Alliance, from now on mentioned as GIA, and watched as her membership grew from only a few nations to 15 Member Nations, including ourselves."

"A short time ago I granted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to grant an appointment for the position of a permanent 'Ambassador' to represent the interests of the Empire within the organization. It was not long after that in which a member nation of the GIA, through diplomatic means, aquired the Nations of Lizardiar and Proud Ireland. This is the reason why I have called this press conference. The Ultra-Tyrannical government of The Master M has, for the better part of the last two days, been beligerant to our allies within Altane over their legal aqusition of foreign territory."

"With the express consent of the Shazbotdom Imperial Parliament, the Joint Chiefs and myself, Several divisions of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps is currently en route to our allies in Altane to help fortify preliminary defenses while the 12th and 13th HAVOC Naval Battlegroups prepare for departure to the region to help fortify a forward defensive line. We here within the Shazbotdom Empire will, in no way, allow an Ultra-Tyranical government such as The Master M, who has in itself used force to gain territory abroad, to dictate the Legal Aquisition policies of any nation within the International Community is such a hypocritical fashion as The Master M has. We will fight along side our bretherin in the GIA until the forces of The Master M are forced out of the Soverign Territories of our allies in Altane. There will be no questions answered. Thank you for your time."