25th May, 2013

The Shazbotdom National Anthem was playing in the background and the image faded in to the Supreme Emperor, Mr. Larry Williams, sitting at his desk in the center of the screen. Just off screen to the left were the various Ministers, minus the Minister of Foreign Affairs, of whom had helped him write the speech that he was about to give. To the right just off screen was Larry’s wife, of whom was always at these events as moral support.

“My fellow citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire. Today I come before you as not only your leader, but also as a citizen of this great Empire.” He began with his trademark line. “The last few months have been trying for all of us. With the invasion and current occupation of Delvira, to the current crisis within our allied nation of New Chalcedon in which Minister of Foreign Affairs Kennith G. Terrance is currently stuck within their capital city.”

“Now an ally of the Shazbotdom Empire has become a theocracy, and an extreme theocracy at that. Whilst the Shazbotdom Empire itself feel that religion should have no place in government, we respect the leadership of The Scandinvan Empire in their decision for their style of government. We will though extend a hand to our brethren within the Scandinvan Empire and accept anyone that they feel is an ‘unwanted element’ into the Shazbotdom Empire with open arms, in which they will be given Citizenship and full rights and responsibilities within the laws of the Shazbotdom Imperial Parliament.”

“The future of relations between our two nations will prosper if this deal is made and it will also give us insight into the day to day lives of the people from each others nations and will help us to gain a better understanding of our nations as a whole. As a good will towards the leadership of the Scandinvan Empire, we will not set a deadline for accepting our proposal, and if our proposal is declined we will not hold anything against you, your nation, or the people of your nation.”

He shifts a few papers around.

“To my fellow citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire, I implore you that if any citizens of the Scandinvan empire are brought over to our Empire, that they be accepted with open arms into our society and our workforce. Good luck and have a pleasant day.”

With that the National Anthem is played again, starting from near the ending as the crest of the Shazbotdom Empire fades in on the screen, then it fades out as the regularly scheduled programming comes back on.