23rd February, 2014
"Today on Shazbotdom News Network, In a very rare public appearance; Shazbotdom's Supreme Emperor, Mr Larry Williams, addressed both houses of Parliament in a joint session after the passing of the Cimbric Nations Colonization Act. Amoung the topics that he touched on was the continued attempts by the The Armed Revolutionary of Libetarian Republics to push their ideologies onto other nations. When asked of the situation involving Libetarian Republics, he was quoted as saying;"

"The tyranical Leadership of this 'Libetarian Republics' has shown their true ways with the continued blatant badmouthing of the rightful ruler that the people have chosen within Vostria. The people demanded a revolution, the people backed Mr Kerensky, the people instilled the government style that is currently within Vostria at this point in time and the PEOPLE of Vostria will choose a new leader when the time comes. It is not the place of President of the Libetarian Republics to dictate what the government style should be within a country that they have no official relation to."

"He was then asked several questions about the Colonization Act of both Delvira and Cimbric Nations, but once again someone asked him about what the Empire's official stance was on the situation with Libetarian Republics, he reinterated an point that he made to the joint chiefs of staff in a private meeting earlier today within the wall of the Imperial Palace;"

"The Shazbotdom Empire will if nessicary defend the soverignty of The United Socialist States of Vostria and her people in any way nessicary, including but not limited to military intervention on behalf of the people of Vostria. Let this be a warning to the President of The Armed Revolutionary of Libetarian Republics, we will not allow your warmongering ways to contniue and we will not allow you to attempt to force your ideology onto a people who have spoken and said that they do not want it."

"In other news, The SU Tiger's Football Team won their 10th game in a row..."