By: Jerald T. Handerson
18th March, 2014

Reports are comming across the Flash Traffic of a new organization that has appeared on the world display. This "Ecostasis Society" seems to be some sort of Ecological Group that wishes to help rid the world of polutants spread by industry. This emergence seems to have occured on the eve of one of the most imporant Grand Balls in the history of the Empire, which will help the Crown Prince pick his future wife. Throughout the Imperial Mainland, boarder security is at an altime high in preperations for the event when the news of this hit.

With the International Ecological Commissions report of the Empire rating amoung the top 10 Environmentally Friendly Nations, mainly due to the support of the Auto Industry for the advancement of Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles and Alternative Energy Sources for all Electricity and Manufacturing Capabilities throughout the empire, the "Carbon Footprint" of each individual Shazbotdom Citizen is nearly non-existant making the Empire one of the most beautiful countries on the planet Environmentally.

In a Press Release from the Shazbotdom Imperial Palace, the Supreme Emperor for Life has stated, "I do not fear this group. We as an Empire are constantly making improvements in our national infristructure to combat environmental pollution on an epic scale." Within the Press Release he did state that if any members of this "Ecostasis Society" attempt to try and threaten the Empire, that they would be arrested as a Threat to the Saftey of the Empire and put on trial according to the Laws and Regulations of the Shazbotdom Empire.